Sliver and Blue Night

Call time for Sliver and Blue night is 4:30!  Please come wearing a Willowbrook tshirt, jean shorts, and gym shoes.  Have your hair out of your face.  Friends and Family are more than welcome to come, it starts at 5!
Also, don’t forget to bring your signed forms!

Calendar Updated!

Hello everyone!

The calendar has been updated with the color guard practice schedule, please click the calendar link and print out a copy!  Please note that for Monday night practices (minus August 22) we will be meeting at 6pm before the band.  Also note a few 2-4:30pm practices because of early dismissal days.  Other dates that are different are September 8 where we will meet at 5pm and the football game on September 16 where we will not have an official practice before the game.  We can discuss the schedule more on Thursday.

Also we do have a new coach, Mandi!  Mandi and Angela will be there on Thursday and will explain the transition process.

Two Events Added to Calendar

Hello everyone,

Two events have been added to the calendar.  
The first is Sliver and Blue night on August 19 at 5pm.  This is an event for the parents and community to see the different activities going on this fall.  We will be performing what we know of the show this night.  Dress is a Willowbrook Tshirt, jean shorts, and gym shoes.  More will be discussed at practice Thursday next week.
The second is Northwestern Band Day on September 3.  We will be traveling with the band to Northwestern to perform at halftime with many other bands.  You will also get to watch the football game.  For us, they usually teach the routine quickly in the morning before the game and then we perform it at halftime.  Times and more info will be given closer to.